Tidewall is designed to be driven into the ground similar to steel sheet piles. Many different methods and equipment are used for driving Tidewall, but the most common driving methods are:
Vibro Hammer - A vibro hammer is used to lift the sheets, sometimes in tandem, and vibrate the sheets into the soil. Much lighter weight vibro hammers should be used for Tidewall than would be used for steel piling, however.
Plate Compactor - In areas where the soil is moderately stiff or less, a plate compactor on a backhoe can drive Tidewall sheets smoothly and efficiently
Compression Driving - Where the soils are very soft, simple compression driving works well to install Tidewall sheets. The bucket of a backhoe is used to exert downward pressure on the sheets, pressing them smoothly into the ground. This method works better with the heavier Tidewall Sheets such as TW85 and above.
Pile Driver - A pile hammer, such as is offered by The Collins Company, in the 300-800 pound range, is suitable to drive Tidewall sheets.
Jetting - For Tidewall installations into sand, jetting is a good method of installation. A pump is used to draw up and accelerate the velocity of a stream of water, which is then directed through a wand to the base of the sheets. The sand is temporarily blasted out of the way, allowing the Tidewall to settle gently into position. Once the water jet is removed, the sand fills naturally back in around the sheets.
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